Share the Joy
It’s December. It’s the end of the year that never was and the year we never thought would end.
We certainly don’t need to recap the toll the year has taken. Instead, we’d like to focus on the joy.
Amongst the limitations that have been brought of my 2020, we are all about finding the joy in little things.
If this year has taught us anything, it’s to appreciate some of the smallest joys in life, such as sharing a meal with a loved one or friend, or taking a walk at sunset and breathing in the spring air. Getting dressed up to have a dinner party. Organising your kid’s birthday party.
Grabbing a coffee with your colleagues when you arrive at the office.
The list goes on.
You deserve to indulge. You deserve to treat yourself. To say yes. After a year of “no’s”.
We have curated the finest selection of indulgences this year. Because if you’re anything like us, food is pure pleasure and should bring joy.
The joy in a soft burst of flavour from the first cherries of the season, the way a raspberry melts in your mouth, the smooth, salty taste of caviar finely spread on a piece of bread with butter.
The bite of a strong, aged cheddar smoothed over with a hint of sweet quince paste. The joy on a little’s one face as they peel open the day’s advent calendar compartment. The smooth, rich chocolate that you treat yourself to once a year. Honouring the annual tradition of giving your best friend a Panettone each year. The warming our your soul when you sit with a bowl of Christmas pudding and ice-cream.
We could go on forever.
This year, we invite you to say yes to yourself. Spoil yourself. Spoil your loved ones. Indulge.
Make the most of what we have now. The freedom we are so keenly waiting for, will be all the sweeter when it arrives.