What’s the hype? Chestnuts
Not only are Chestnut’s delicious but they are also full of natural goodness that is obtained through cooking.
An autumn fruit, chestnuts, unlike other nuts, are rich in vitamins and minerals and are low in total fat and saturated fat, consisting of only a gram of fat and less than 70 calories in 70 grams.
In addition, chestnuts are the only nuts which contain vitamin C, with 85 grams of chestnuts providing your necessary daily intake.
Mostly found in green vegetables, chestnuts are also rich in folates, supplying the body with B1, B2, B6 vitamins and folic acid. Folic acid is required to produce red blood cells and DNA synthesis. The folates found in chestnuts also assist in the prevention of neural tube defects in unborn babies.
According to Health and Natural Medicine, chestnuts are also a rich source of iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and zinc, and a very good amount of potassium. Potassium helps counter the hypertensive action of sodium, lowers heart rate and blood pressure.
Furthermore, chestnuts are also a great source of fiber, which helps lower blood cholesterol levels.
To maximise all of the health benefits of chesnuts, the daily recommended intake is about 85 grams per day.
Chestnuts are gluten free
Unlike other nuts, chestnuts are very similar to sweet potatoes and corn because they contain starch.
Chestnut flour, baked chestnut or chestnut puree, are all very light and easy to eat. Intricately woven into French and Italian culinary history, in Tuscany chestnut flour is used for ice-creams, cookies, sweet breads, soups, sauces.
Chestnuts also aids digestion and kidney problems.
It is very important to see the difference between horse chestnut and edible chestnut as horse chestnut should notbe eaten, rather it is used as tincture or a cream. Most commonly horse chestnut is used in the treatment of varicose veins and broken capillaries. It can also be used in treating hemorrhoids or enlarged prostate and in reducing PMS symptoms, but is not to be eaten.
With a delicate flavour that is the perfect addition to so many sweet and savoury dishes, plus multiple health benefits, add chestnuts to your shopping basket and make everyday meals special.
Our organic, fresh, seasonal chestnuts are sourced locally from our friends at Growler’s Creek Grove in Victoria. Head in store to stock up today and share your delicious chestnut recipes with us on social media by tagging @theleafstore