We place great importance on understanding where our meat comes from. We have chosen to stock Provenir meats in Leaf Elwood because of their commitment to best practice within the livestock industry.
Their beef is truly unique, it’s processed on-farm at the point of production which is an Australian first! By processing on the farm, Provenir captures the true provenance and quality of the beef, just as the farmers raised it.
Provenir is leading the way in the ‘paddock to plate movement’ and are even going the great lengths of providing its customers with a QR code that is marked on every product for you to scan and meet the farmer that raised your beef and learn more about where your food comes from, the qualities of the breed and how it was raised.

In a world where people often have no understanding of where their meat comes from, how it was treated or how it was processed, Provenir is disrupting that with extreme transparency.
How the meat is processed truly affects the animals happiness and welfare which is why Provenir products are processed on farm. By doing so, they drastically reduce stress and discomfort for the animals.
The benefits don’t stop there, because they have happy & healthy cattle, the final product tastes better.
When Leon, the owner of Leaf, was asked about his motivation behind stocking Provenir, this is what he had to say:
“When looking at new suppliers/producers, I ask myself “does this producer reflect our values, is it a ‘Leaf’ product?”
While I don’t get it correct every time, when I first heard of Provenir, it just seemed right.
The meat is delicious and they support the same values and standards we do.
Knowing where your food actually comes from, how it has been raised and cared for means so much more, more than the taste, price and slick marketing campaign.
As someone who grew up on a farm which raised cattle, and my first job was selling cattle and sheep for farmers, Provenir beef really resonated with me.”
They have made history by becoming the first company to bring the highest welfare beef to Australians. The steps taken to significantly reduce the stress caused to the animals are also making waves across the Australian food industry.
In addition to winning gold and best in class in the Australian Food Awards last year, they’ve also been nominated by Rockpool (owned by Neil Perry) and Three Blue Ducks (owned by Mark Labrooy, Darren Robertson and Andy Allen) for producer awards which are brilliant and a true testament to the high standard of the beef they produce.
So join us as we welcome Provenir to our Elwood store!