Il Nonno Pasta
A childhood of dirty aprons and dough-crusted hands.
This is the story of the IL NONNO family. A family of 5 daughters, raised with the passion and love by Nonno and the 60 years of pasta making behind them. The kitchen table was the classroom; Papa` was the teacher – just like his papa` before him.
Historically it was the men who led the charge in the family business but now it’s the girls turn to take the reins.
“Nonno” worked in the pasta manufacturing industry for over 60 years, at 80 years of age decided to retire. He quickly discovered that was not for him so he came up with the idea of Il Nonno.
Today Nonno’s daughters run the business, making it a women/sister led company
Nonno’s youngest is the product developer with a background in biomedicine, which supports her mission of producing quality products with healthy elements
Il Nonno as a brand is entirely about family, quality, authenticity & passion. They aim to combine the importance of family, love & quality pasta– Better Together.

We use trusted traditional Italian techniques, but with a focus on wholly natural Australian ingredients. Now our children are learning what their Nonno taught us – Papa’s way was always pasta and that pasta brings family together. It always brought us together. We hope it does the same for you.
From our famiglia to yours……
IL NONNO is 100% Australian made, produced with Free Range eggs & 100% Durum semolina. Nonno’s pasta contains no added colourings, flavourings or preservatives. Their pasta is snap frozen to ensure optimal quality and flavour.
It is a delight to have this premium product stocked in our stores and a must-try for all!